dug some old computer speakers out of my closet, got the urge to make something with axelay samples cause of the cool sound from said computer speakers
axelay battle cool
pretty unpolished in terms of audio balancing and stuff. sounds nice though. really like the simple chord progressions, especially the vox. and the jumps at the end of the horn sections.
want to add a second section but i couldnt really think of anything. itd be pretty complete if i did add one though. honestly one of the better things ive made with those samples.
god i wish i knew someone who could make cool sprite art, if i can actually nail this kind of music could actually make something cool w it i think
axelay battle cool two
made a second section. dont really like it. well i like the harmony, but its obviously unfinished and the melody needs a little rhythmic change/variation. it sounds nice, but the melody is a little boring.
obviously the vox chords are literally repeated through the entire rest of the piece. even in the first section theyre a little repetitive.
also changed a couple other things that i want to work on as well. intro atmosphere sound plays twice, should just loop.
intro trumpet is rough needs work. the trumpets that come in dont really work without it though. i think its a good addition, just gotta play with the volume a bit, maybe add some lower octave notes. something.
second part of second section needs some sort of addition in the bass.
in the first section, when the big trumpet part comes in, i feel like i could do that a second time
but im fucking melting its like 85 in here. need a cold shower and some oj. might come back to work on this later. actually like it quite a bit
axelay battle cool three
added a bunch more shit cause i was feeling it
vox needs to come up in the second trumpet flourish
strings melody part needs more diverse percussion
second part of the trumpet section could use some other bass line or something.
transition to second section is a bit awkward. should be in third time or something.
transition to first section is still awkward. that was like the biggest thing that i was supposed to change lol. whatever
trumpet melody could use some sort of variance, especially from first to second section
argh jeez it feels pretty finished by that second section.
axelay battle cool four
no sleep just keep cooking
like the fast notes, should have a first and second part in the second faster part with one only having slightly changed notes and the next one being absoultely crazy.
i think there was another part in between here somewhere. some of the changes between this paragraph and the last may have already been done/be inconsistent. whatever
first two sections actually seem pretty solid. minor touches maybe, but its good. gotta decide if the second section is good the way that it is.
aight think im done for the night. i dont really see where else this could go significantly. it wrapped itself up really nicely. although it is just the cheap "take out the instruments one by one ending"
but i gotta sleep. whatever gn