
cool chiptape #1
wrote something that i heard while i was coding cause i was bored. wanted something with the old toby fox homestuck kind of sound. didnt really turn out sounding much that way.
its ok. dont hate it. other than just the plainness of the sound, the melody is ok. nice alternation between quicker slower melody in the first section.
not enough variance between the first and second section though. harmonies sound a little too similar. and the submelody in the first section is a little plain as well. wish it went somewhere more substantial.
its ok rhythmically, but it feels like the harmony doesnt change much. hmm.

gonna listen to some toby fox stuff and try something different

cool chiptape #1a bendy
didnt actually write this, i just played the original song into a comically long windy bendy cartoonishly stupid tube and recorded the sound on the other side
listened to some of the crazy pitch bending in toby foxes black. sounds cool. wanna have a good control over that kind of thing. its obviously really crazy and
over the top in that song but sometimes it just sounds cool. lot more variance than just playing the notes. can do it with the monophonic portamento in magic 8 bit,
or manually with the pitch knob+automation. probably other plugins to do something similar. but those are the two ways that i know to do it generally.
using the portamento in the plugin gives a wider range of sound, using the automation+pitch gives more control. id wager that you could somehow combine the two to get a very fine tuned
control of the pitch. assuming that toby fox did something similar. its a really nice contrast between the more definite notes and the slides. you get tired of just one kind.
so its nice for variety of texture of sound if nothing else. not immensely in love with this song or anything but i think the pitch slides are something to remember.
pretty sure the stock fl sampler has something similar, which will be pretty helpful. ill probably use this a lot in snes like tracks
im still missing a way to do volume modulation as nicely as in trackers. well not really. i can just do automation. yeah you know what i can just do that.
i think i have 90% of the tracker fine tune control in fl now.its just that the automation displays stuff in percent which isnt super informative for pitch
if i want to think in semitones. but i mean trackers are in literal hexadecimal so i mean thats not much better. but it still is semitones. its just hex. just learn hex.
dont wanna. also i dont use trackers i just want to cause theyre cool. anyways for volume automation is fine. i feel like its harder to tell the exact position of the modulations when using automations though.
in trackers you know the literal exact time it happens in the grid. but with automations, well, i guess you can still see it. i guess its just not as intuitive. cause
its not quite as visible. editing the automations from the playlist is really separate from each individual note. so i guess you just have to know where each individual note is.
oh also it changes the whole channel. so if you have one channel doing multiple notes, then itll modulate all of the notes. but trackers use individual channels that only play one note/sound.
so you can modulate the volume of each individual note in a chord. buuut you dont REALLY need such fine control in chords. you can usually just use velocity. in the case that you do want
that much control though, you can just use more channels. fl has plenty of them.
i guess it just sucks that fl requires the use of so many different channels. in trackers, you could play any sample from any channel. that way each channel could be used for like anything.
but fl channels are locked to one plugin. unless you can change it partway through the song. which i really doubt.
didnt know this was going to get so technical. whatever, gotta think about this kinda stuff. im sure itll be useful.