jack dive

forget the other day THIS is the badass early 2000s brother theme song.
was listening to toby foxes old homestuck music. its a little derivative in terms of the sound but its still baller as fuck
doesnt even compare to the swag of toby foxes shit though
fuck its late i want to work on it more but my brain hurts, so many little tacky pieces i wanna fix not to mention i could probably a couple more sections. could be 2-3 min if i can stay creative the whole way through
both guitars need longer decays with probably 70-80% sustain, i gotta find a better drumkit cause this ones kinda weak. also its quiet so i need to raise the volume of the percussion
but i didn't cause i didnt wanna do automations yet and it wouldve been too loud later. or maybe i forgot idk. also im not sure what the 8bit arpeggiation at the end needs
but it sounds just a little out of place. sounds like its still on the gameboy. not sure what i mean by that. too plain? maybe some reverb would do it? or i could fuck with the equalizer. idk
anyways not a bad thing. gotta find more sounds though. ill probably keep listening to toby fox stuff and making shit adjacently inspired and such
also the piano is just a little disappointing? honestly i like it the way it is. can mess with eq but i mean its a free plugin so its doing the fuck out of its job rn considering lol
lower piano notes kinda be like that no matter the piano quality. always hard as fuck
going to bed im fucking tired. debated putting this in 71924 but its 20 by morning technicality

espresso, a brisk spring morning

i mean. its nice, but its plain. im sure it would fit in something. id have to adapt it a bit. i like the melody at least
the rhodes sounds nice, but i feel as if the sound could use a little change
percussions nice, but maybe it sounds a little too natural? although im sure that would be desirable in certain cases
im really starting to appreciate the sgm soundfont. its basic, but its great for just getting stuff out.
maybe itll be good for making things prototypically, then swapping out the sounds with more substantial ones later
not sure what else to say about this. its nice though

collide 2

more old toby fox homestuck inspired stuff. his old homestuck work was really cool.
i hope i can someday come back and use this stuff/improve these. they just sound really amateur right now.
the basic pieces are there. its just not all that interesting.
its still good improvement. i think that more "basic" work is better for polishing those fundamental skills anyways
cause then you can get a good feel for the entire creative process rather than spending a bajillion years "perfecting"
one thing. you can experiment with lots of different sounds, scales, and not worry about "perfect". although
those kinds of nice polished sounds can add a lot to the music. theres just some good balance that im sure changes depending on the situation
like what does the project call for? maybe it fits better with a certain project if its more polished, or
if youre doing something just for practicing a specfic thing, dont worry about the other things too much
anyways, im glad i can put smaller things like this out fairly quickly.