legend of the frog toll, richards awakening

was listening to links awakening. wanted some of those dreamy gameboy tones.
i think im starting to get closer to what i want to hear for kohoma.
but this still doesnt really feel like it. hmmmmm....
i also need to actually add some sort of transitionary thing in the middle obviously. but thats for later
+ also feel like its worth mentioning i cheated... i used a delay plugin rather than the baked in volume editor.... im evil/a fake/a poser
also worth mentioning the drop in quality after the first half lol, i need to add more submelody+change the sounds up a bit
snow mountain at the end

good chiptune day. counting this as 7 22 as i upload it at 12;20 723 cause who cares this page is empty
had another song or two but dont really feel like uploading them as they werent very good
i say or two as one of them i have trouble calling a song
anyways i like the feeling of the harmony in this one. the main melody has a nice couple of intervals in it.
it seemed to be in f major. although im not super solid on really how to tell
it feels like i should know by now but i still feel like i have trouble really trying to tell the intended chords.
although the most obvious answer is that it alternates between f major and b minor.
im wondering whether i should still be doing this primarily by feeling.
i think it obviously helps to consider the flavor of each note, interval, melody.
but having a memory to anchor that to is also key. (epic music pun moment)
anyways, i should try to be a little more conscious of what keys im using, and remember certain chord changes.
like this "snowy mountain" visualization. i think the main source of that feeling comes from the chord transition
from f major to that b minor. also the nice little echo, and the softness of the slow tremolo
but mostly the chord change. thats how it feels to me. it feels a little bit frozen and sad.
even if the melody/composition/sounds arent great at this point, i think cadences will stay the same in this sense.
again not really sure if ill use any of these tracks. theyre more just practice. but i honestly think a fair few of them
will make it through. at least for kohoma, which was SUPPOSED to be an "as i am" project, rather than something i improve for.
but i think doing things like this is the way i can grow best right now. it feels like what i need most is to grow as a musician,
rather than as a developer. which brings into question whether i should really be going back to school for code...
i feel fairly certain that ill cancel my art class. but ill keep my math/cs classes. cause that should be
enough for a fair amount of work as is. just those two are probably 15-20 hours weekly as is. which
isnt much but they arent exactly my priority. and then i had the sudden urge to piano again...
im going to bed. too much to think about.
going to keep on doin music stuff. for a while. its exciting to say that i need to be a "musician",
but it doesnt mean anything if i dont put in the work, and have the aptitude.
good bed
- w-