nightmare earthquake

i listened to nightmare knight again, and wanted to make something reminiscent of that. which was successful to some extent.
but overall i dont really like it. sounds a little bland. obviously the sounds are pretty rough. i just wanted to get the thing out.
but even the melody/cadences im not really in love with. also i rushed the section changes cause i dont wanna have to listen to the whole thing while i judge it
and whine about it lol
the intro, which seems to be the main motive, seems to be alternating between some dissonant minor F# keys
then he stays in f for the next couple measures, which is a little more relaxed, and transitions well to the a minor to g major arpeggiations he seems to be doing in the next section
then the melody that comes in seems to be somewhere in between those two keys. the lower melody next seems simple enough its just a basic support thing
the updownupdown thing is pretty simple. it just feels like a bit of a simplified extension of earlier keys. but i could be wrong about that
it becomes more about the percussion and counds in that section
next is the sped up melody from earlier. not too complicated.
nice when it gets cut out and thrown into the next section with the short up melodies and nice crashes.
really refreshing how simple these older pieces are for being so incredibly cool.
just really cool sounds, interesting melodies, rhythms and cadences, lots of change within the piece

i like the sound that enemy approaching has. its a really upbeat fun piece wanna take it apart to hear where that comes from
minor detail but some of the lower tones are doing an arpeggiation kinda thing
and that little flourish with the rising notes is nice. but i wanna look more fundamentally
anyways, it seems to alternate between f major and some other f scale by swapping out D# and E
other than that its just a nice lively tune.
it sort of creates this tone of like. anticipation?
man. i couldnt write like. anything today.
i mean, i was a little busy setting up the website, and signing up for school, couple of chores, setting up the living room, thinkin bout various stuff.
but even when i got to it i just couldnt do it. and its not like the stuff ive been writing the last couple of days has been groundbreaking, you know?
im glad im just focusing on music for right now. it really feels as if thats what i need. no matter how much i program/code/design the game,
the music was what was really special to me about undertale. and its not as if i can just go and make something special all of the sudden just
cause i feel like it or cause the game is finished. the music is going to be just as much work as any other part of the game.
not to mention the fact that i have to actually learn how to do it.
i really do think these entries are helping me. it feels as if writing "something" over and over will allow me to make very basic things, and come to understand those
basics very well. then ill know when something sounds sort of samey, or boring, or common, and i can change things up.
but i can only do that if i write lots, listen to lots, really pay attention to each piece of it. then, experiment with the things that i find, and
see if they actually work. like, today and yesterday, with the cadences. identifying which chord progressions were present, and how the melody was constructed,
then trying to make something out of a few of those essential pieces. having a good cycle between conjecture, and experience, and reparation, and repetition, i guess.
making a discovery, then making something that demonstrates that it is true. its just difficult to do that with music cause the feelings are so minute.

not terrible

title says it all. its sweet but its not original. very plain d major cadence
harder than it sounds to do something different. epecially while having a nice rhythm
its hard enough to listen for each interval. trying to consider everything it hard...
thats why im doing this though. ill get better at it