fallen dove v2

took fallen dove from the other day and made a few changes. added a new vox pattern at the end, tweaked some equalizers/envelopes, added some volume automation
still need to manually put envelopes onto the voxes with stfu, cause juicysf's envelopes arent working. or try sforzando and see if that works, i have a feeling it will.
i really like how this sounds, and theres a lot more i wanna change, but im gonna move on from it. i have a feeling that this might be something that i come back to though

reunited like chords

was falling asleep and i heard some chords. something related to reunited from undertale i think. not really sure. just wanted to get them out
thankfully my fan was running in the background which gives it a sort of. mehcanical vibe?
theyre pretty basic chords. pretty sure i was just cycling through d major, b major, g major, then some weird E?
simple, but nice. i might try to write them into something tomorrow