fallen dove v3

ok, i said i was going to move on yesterday but that was a lie lol. i guess there was still some stuff i wanted to do
little volume tweaking, chorus effect on the initial rhodes. some release on the voxes. its a little overly "effecty", but it sounds nice
thats really it. NOW im moving on
asgore like

thought this little recording would be interesting to include just to show how basic the "actual idea" this was. kind of just the schoenberg way of thinking of motives as "seeds" that give birth
to new musical ideas. like i was just messing around on my piano learning the basic asgore melody and was like "well what if it was like this?" i guess overall i feel as if people sometimes
reject simple ideas/things in general as being sort of childish, or beneath them. so they dont consider it. but thats how things are made! just lots and lots of tiny pieces
asgore like alpha 1
i thought it would be interesting for this one to document versions of it incrementally, cause it seems like its going to take a little longer to compose (like 2-3 hours to the usual 30-45 min)
just cause it might be helpful for me to be able to see things as they're made. cause... idk it just seemed interesting lol. cause its literally just the fundamental parts right now.
so i guess its just interesting cause now i can assign whatever sounds/rhythms/whatever else to it that i want. or even change it up a little.
it just feels like having something like this written is a good "framework"

asgore like alpha 2

getting a little closer. not sure what im gonna do about the intro. in terms of the sound of the whole thing... toby fox always had this really crazy and perfect mix and alternation between different
sampled sounds. so its hard to feel like the sounds ive chosen are right. magic 8 and most piano samples are really good for being prototypical sounds, that you can sub out later i think.
theyre very adaptable, but they dont have much punch alone. the drumkit is also temporary. it sounds very out of place lol, im either going to find another soundfont instrument, or try to make something
in m8bit i think. also the arp in the midsection is so boring lol. i subbed it out with a triangle and played with it a bit, so its a little closer, but theres really no punch.
i swapped out the synth strings for the normal ones. i think i like them better now but i still kind of want something different. ill dick with the equalizer/fx a bit maybe that will fix it. or ill try some other samples
also theyre just sort of. floating around on the right notes. they should have some sort of melody later.
i like the piano chords at the end though. i just eq/reverbed them they sound ok. i can tweak that more later. the cymbal-esque noise at the end though needs something.
in the last section, well i want there to be a section between the middle and end, but for the end itself, it feels rushed. like there should be another bar or something
but it kinda just goes straight to being "resolved". i might want to draw that out some more
asgore like alpha 3

ok i dont actually remember what i changed between this one and the last. i think i made a couple changes thinking that i was just going to add that to alpha 2.
but then there were enough changes that it deserved another iteration i think
the only thing i remember is speeding it up lol. i wanna add more chords in the beginning/middle melody. but idk if ill even keep using the piano sample
think im done with this one for today. i like it, and i think it has lots of room to grow/change. but i wanna move on


ok im not gonna sugarcoat it i like this one quite a bit. it doesnt even sound too bad just on piano
although its a little derivative of megalovania, it feels like it has enough originality.
except for the flutter piano part that part is as cause i dont know how to make it not sound like shit lmao (i removed it because it was ass)
but it represents what i want for later well enough
i honestly think theres a good chance those nice piano chords will make it into the "final version", but im not sure

also, its called megalowania because i want to start a video game music tradition of song naming cause live a live had megalomania
then there was toby foxes megalovania so i wanna keep it going through a couple generations of game music.
think of it. megaloxania. megaloyania. megalozania! mebolaganora!!!! MEGABOLOGNA!!!!!11

not sure if i like this but there are the beginnings of a great undertale fangame on this page
also im thinking about whether i want to keep music im thinking of actually using off of this page
i mean it can only be so much of a spoiler. as of right now its not like anyone really looks at this site anyways lol
but in the case that things get bigger, ill probably keep more stuff secret. nintendo does that really well. i think
it really adds to the thing when you know nothing going in. its best when its all perfectly fresh and unseen
i dont really even want melodies out. hmm...
i think therell probably be a threshhold where if its "too good" ill keep it, but if its just sort of kinda good,
then i can put it here. then also early proto versions of songs can go here to cause its not too spoilery
also most likely people wont see it anyways. idk whatever if its really cool i wont put it here in case of spoiler
megalowania v2

no idea what changed i dont even remember exporting this. why am i like this
megalowania v3

just added some chords at the end, arpeggiations near the end. balanced the audio out a little i think this is like the first thing i actually feel like developing into an actual full length just as a "song"
which will probably take a long ass time. still need to do more volume automations, tune up reverb, add more sections. it feels like theres so many possibilities of where this could go.
which, obviously thats with all music. but i feel like this will be a good way for me to get in touch with that specific aspect of composing.

somewhere in the mountains v1

listening to zero rangers somewhere in time. its a really basic song with just a sort of slightly out of time 5 note pattern that kinda doesn't really line up with the measure
so i started writing something with a basic white key whatever notes in whatever intervals sounded nice 5 note pattern. then added in piano notes that sounded cool/in key
then a 25 square 8 bit plug with some reverb and a delay echo envelope in the plugin. basically it was a really simple piece lol
i think the mysterious feeling has to do with the timing being sort of ambiguous. to be honest around the end i heard some nonsensical pattern that didnt exist but by the time i
realized id already added it and its slightly out of time/dissonant in a way that i really like. it works for just right at the end of a piece. a little tacky but it worked out lol

holy fuck im writing a lot today. well i feel a lot better cause yesterday was a very nice/special day so its probably that