im starting to get into music trackers, mostly cause snesmusic.org has like every fucking snes song in existence in .it format. so if i learn to use a tracker i can pretty much see exactly how all those songs were made down to
every last effect. its incredibly detailed. but trackers are pretty hard to use. i guess its not too hard to decipher the songs, its just that writing in a tracker is difficult cause you have to all of the timing and stuff kinda in your head.
its not like fl studio where you can just slide notes around in the piano roll. you have to select what beat the note is gonna be on, and if youre wrong, you lose a lot of time. so it forces you to do that work in your head.
which sounds tedious but i think that challenge could be something that will help me grow as a musician. although i dont want to try to take on something thats more difficult than i can handle, and then not be able to make any progress with it.
but i think i can do it. honestly i think that in the end fl studio will be what i use to write music. but to write simple music like snes stuff, especially purely sample based stuff, and for practicing composition in general,
the task of learning to use a tracker will help me a lot.
acid planet

this took me much longer than it had any right to lol. especially considering that its fuckinG SIX SECONDS LONG ARGH!!! and the volume isnt really even balanced at all and it sucks etc etc :I
i mean it only took me like 30 minutes but i could have whipped up something similar in fl in like. i dont know. 5? and probably have also written the rest of the song as well. i think im really going to like the workflow of using a tracker. eventually.
right now its hard. but again, its a great exercise. by struggling to imagine the notes in the rhythm/time they need to be in in my head, then translating that
to the tracker, itll help me articulate musical ideas better. i think. i dont know it feels like its helping
anyways the reason i started working with trackers at all is cause i was listening to music from gradius 3 and it goes extremely hard. mika higashino and the konami kuheiha club were
really something special. anyways i was trying to just pull samples from it and i couldnt get the loop points to sound right in fl. and i was like ugh this is always a chore cause for whatever reason
samples just wont loop right in fl. cause mpt wont export the audio files with the loop points. or fl wont read loop points in flac files. idk it just wasnt working.
i literally didnt even really know what openmpt was i just used it to rip sounds from snes music lol
im actually fucking stupid its cause i was using flac i just used wav and now it works flawlessly. my brain is fucking melting. why did i not know that
i think i literally was about to try that and then i was like hmm i should learn openmpt cause it would be good and i just never did.
ugh. whatever. well once i actually want to use snes sounds in sampled music in fl i can. i need to learn how to do loop points for myself though. cause
for whatever reason i just cant get them to sound right. ive just been using edison to do them and i dont know if edison is the best software for that?
but from what ive read its more about your ear than having the perfect software, i mean theres only so many points in the samples in the first place,
youre gonna find the "right" one eventually. and its not like all samples are going to loop perfectly anyways. once you have your envelope formed
a slightly imperfect loop might not even be noticable. anyways theres a lot to it overall. im sure its not as simple as "just loop it"