school fucking sucks in a just fucking end my shit kinda mood
not really i just want to get back to writing music for this jam so fuck everything ill just do that
hyper storm intro

wah wah it doesnt sound like i want it to wah wah the ending sucks cause its rushed
cry about it stupid baby gotta crank this shit out for brackeys jam
cave story like i guess

i dont really know where this came from either. i wrote the intro for hyper_storm and this just kinda naturally followed. couldn't tell you for my life
i also dont really know why it sounds like cavestory other than the fact that its chiptune. something about the kinda mysterious harmonies. whatever it sounds cool
those long noise percussion sounds are really fucking crunchy. i wasnt really even trying to do that, it just kinda came out that way. sounds nice
thisll probably be either be for the start screen or the base. probably the base