my head is going to fucking explode like a high pressure gas tank when exposed to high fucking heat shit is going fucking melt steel homie im in
fucking pieces it hurts really bad heres some music i wrote

its all in fl studio by the way cause im a loser and im not strong enough to use a tracker with my weak little musically uneducated soft brain

cool intro

started with the bass line, which i assume is why the thing sounds pretty bland overall. the patterns are pretty basic. i mean it doesnt sound bad or anything.
its just slow to develop. and it doesnt go anywhere special. i get stuck here a lot... its pretty easy to get stuck at the intro of a piece. i guess.
i think its just cause the beginning of some pieces can sound pretty "foreboding", while being fairly simple. i mean, strings sound in, bass line, cool rhythm.
little barely dissonant trumpet. cool. but its not really interesting. i need to get back to piano if i really want my melodies to be more complex, while
still being able to write them fairly quickly at least thats the way it feels to me. well, im thinking from the perspective that like your brain can only imagine
complex patterns if youre trained to do so. so when you learn to play piano or whatever instrument, you train yourself on certain patterns. to be able to differentiate between
certain rhythms, certain harmonies. im just not really sure spending more time on piano is the right choice right now. cause sure im lacking in rhythm/melody, but im also lacking in the
actual sounds/harmony. and for sounds and harmony, you dont really need great rhythm sense. and ai already sort of have a decent sense of rhythm and melody from piano. at least well enough.
and going into another piano cycle would take a really long time. i dont really want to have to do that... i want to make something now. i honestly wanna finish hyper storm. how
much time are you willing to dedicate to finish that? like say i spent two months on it. so i would need to have it finished by like. december. so this semester.
what kind of goals do i need to set? how can i make something decent with the kinds of music i can make right now?
hrm this isnt really the place for this. ill think about this more later

axelay test intro two

ugh sounds are very unpolished. didnt really wanna spend much more time on this. suffers same issues as the other track, but worse cause i wrote it before.
to be honest i dont really hate it or anything its just really formula. i mean neither of the tracks change the rhythm much at all.
i know im still getting used to the actual samples rather than 8 bit stuff, but im sure my 8 bit stuff suffered from this as well.
its partially cause of the time limit. i usually say oh finish this in like half an hour, then it takes forty five minutes.
but the fact that i cant finish more than that in that time is the issue. i could just do a simpler frame for the first part of the piece, then advance to the next.
but its not that im forgetting to do that while im writing or something. i just cant come up with anything more interesting than that. i think i should try to examine
the transitionary periods in music more. i guess ive never really paid attention to that as much as i should. im sure theres a somewhat complex train of thought
behind switching from one melody, harmony, rhythm to another. and im definitely sure its more difficult than just keeping lots of the rhythm the same, and changing the
main melody. i mean, from a simple train of thought, its just that you obviously have to write more different patterns, but you also have to connect any new patterns you write to the old ones in some way.
unless you do something like a whole boom and pause and just completely wipe the original melody from the listeners brain lol. anyways whatever, i suck blah blah blah.

it sounds pretty cool. theres not really much to say about it. its just a random chord progression with some leading notes. whatever. the sample is cool. i think this is one of the
first things i made when i was ripping axelay samples. this might have been one of the first samples i took from it. whatever. blah blah, it sucks, who cares